
Under the Public Procurement Law (PPL) no.244/2021, there are requirements for a central electronic platform as a key implementation tool, providing for the publication of information and the collection and analysis of data, as well as the free and systematic access to data. The PPL also mentions standard forms and tools to standardize procurement procedures, coupled with training for their mandatory use. The platform is a key component of the National strategy for public procurement reform endorsed by the Council of Ministers in May 2022.
The platform will establish a means for transformative change of public procurement for Lebanon, lifting public procurement out of its existing opaque, biased, and arbitrary practices. It will make access to information, including bidding documents, more freely available. The platform will play a critical role in strengthening public transparency and procurement monitoring and evaluation.
As stipulated in the e-procurement strategy that was drafted with the technical support of the World Bank, the introduction of e-procurement in Lebanon should be phased to provide for orderly training and rollout linked with the capacity of the new Public Procurement Authority (PPA), procurement entities (PEs) and private sector institutions to implement and absorb the changes.

A grant from the Global Procurement Partnership (GPP), administered by the World Bank, was allocated to Lebanon to develop the central electronic platform and build national capacities. The Institut des Finances was mandated by the Minister of Finance to be the implementing agency of the project.
This project will focus on the development, implementation, roll-out and evaluation of the central electronic platform required by the PPL that will be managed and owned by PPA. It will also help Lebanon initiate preparatory work towards a future e-procurement system based on the developed and operational central platform to ensure sustainability.

You can now visit the Public Procurement Authority on the following website: