In 2010, a series of training programs were designed to tackle public accounting and audit while special programs focused on parliamentary oversight. A major highlight is the custom-made programs targeting high officials, General Directors, judges and other leaders of the Lebanese administration. All activities were implemented with the aim to foster debate between diverse administrations and local entities on topics pertaining to public finance, economy and customs according to training needs assessment. The Institute also established new strategic partnerships, both at locally and abroad and at the regional level, GIFT-MENA, the network of Schools and Institutes serving the public service in MENA, welcomed new members. Two new citizens’ guides were published and preparations were started for the launch of “Assadissa”, a quarterly journal covering topics pertaining to the management of public good and State modernization in Lebanon and the Arab World.
For more information, you can download the full report of 2010.

Annual Report
December 2010