Lebanon’s tax system has been repeatedly assessed as “unfair, inefficient, and un-equalizing.
The fragmentation of the regulatory and legal framework, progressivity or the lack of it, systematic tax evasion, preferential treatments benefiting specific categories of taxpayers and businesses, are all factors that have heightened inequalities.
As the State grapples with unprecedented challenges resulting from the prolonged crisis, the need to raise more revenues has prompted the adoption of ad-hoc measures that, further exacerbated existing distortions.
In its latest Article IV, the IMF highlighted the need for comprehensive revenue mobilization measures and efforts to improve spending efficiency. The call to put the tax system at the service of the economy commends a more in-depth dialogue around the various options/scenarios to re-design the current scheme. It certainly points to the necessity to reconcile taxation with both social and economic outcomes and the attainment of fiscal justice.

This forum organized by Financially Wise in collaboration with Institut des Finances basil Fuleihan aims at:
– Unveiling the hidden sides of the Lebanese tax system;
– Discussing the way forward towards a new system that caters for both efficiency and equity ;
– Contributing to advancing a more inclusive approach to tax reform.

Check the agenda

Watch the video to learn more about the diagnostic review of the Lebanese tax system

What is tax fairness ?

And what is tax progressivity ?