Lamia Moubayed Bissat heads the “Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan”. Her professional experience spans senior positions in Government, international development, and the private sector. This includes working with organisations such as UN agencies, the French cooperation, IMF and the World Bank. She was twice nominated by the United Nations Secretary General to serve voluntarily on the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration (2018-2021 and 2022-2025) where she was elected the vice-chair.
Ms. Moubayed is a development specialist with more than twenty years of experience in strategic planning and policy design, implementing development cooperation programs, managing institutions, nurturing partnerships, mobilizing resources, advising senior decision makers at the highest political level, and serving on boards of regional organisations. A fervent supporter of South-South cooperation, she founded two knowledge networks (GIFT-MENA and MENAPAR) and contributed to creating and strengthening six institutes of Finance in the Arab region and Africa.
These roles allowed her to witness, act on and publish about major development issues and be involved in post conflict crisis management and coordination of emergency relief during conflicts.
Fluent in four languages, she holds a master’s degree in development economics, and certifications in Strategic Management, Policy Planning and Leadership. She was awarded the prestigious French distinctions of “Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur” (2015) and “l’Ordre National du Mérite” (2004).

Jean François Bijon occupied the position of Director of the Institut at its creation in 1996 and until 2000.
He is currently president of ABAC group that promotes African artists.
He is an expert in international and local development and occupied several positions with the private and public sectors (French Ministry of Economy, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ADETEF...).
He holds a diploma in Economics and Finance from Sciences Po - France and a Doctorate in Sciences Economiques - Economie du Développement / Transferts technologiques from Paris I: Panthéon - Sorbonne