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Public budgets serve as a blueprint that guides how governments collect and allocate resources to meet the needs of their citizens. At its core, effective public budgeting ensures transparency and accountability in the management of public funds, fostering trust between the State and the public. It puts forth governments' priorities and the strategic allocation of resources to critical areas such as social protection, education, and others. Moreover, budgets have the power to drive economic stability and growth by directing investments towards sectors that can drive innovation, create jobs, and enhance overall prosperity.

Seminar & Lecture
10:00-11:30 am
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Seminar & Lecture
1:30-3:00 pm
Training Program
9:30 am-1:10 pm
Policy Brief
قراءة في تعميم الموازنة العامة 2025ما هي ملامح تعميم الموازنة العامة 2025 وأبرز متطلّباته؟ما هي التعليمات المتعلّقة بكيفية تحضير النفقات ووالواردات على ضوء التوقعات المالية ؟
تعميم موازنة 2025شاهدوا هذا الفيلم لمعرفة أهم مضمون تعميم موازنة 2025.
تعميم موازنة 2024شاهدوا هذا الفيلم لمعرفة أهم مضمون تعميم موازنة 2024
CSOs' role in Public Budgeting - تعزيز دور المجتمع المدني في التأثير على الموازنة العامةDo you know that Civil Society Organizations play an important role in public budgeting? What can Lebanese and international CSOs do in Lebanon to inform the budget process and enhance accountability and scrutiny over the use of public resources? 
Budget Transparency Film  - تعزيز الشفافية الماليةIt will take over a generation for countries to reach even moderate levels of budget transparency, the average score for the 117 countries included in the OBS2019 being 45/100, much below the required average of 60/100. Learn more about budget transparency and why it is important for Lebanon which scored only 6/100. Collective action is needed now more than ever.
قراءة في تعميم الموازنة العامة 2021عرض فريق مديرية الموازنة ومراقبة النفقات خلال هذا الوبنار تعميم الموازنة العامة لشرح مضمونها والإجابة على أسئلة المشاركين.
Lamia Moubayed, Sabine Hatem
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Public budgets serve as a blueprint that guides how governments collect and allocate resources to meet the needs of their citizens. At its core, effective public budgeting ensures transparency and…
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